About Us

The ASSOCIATION FOR THE USE OF RENEWABLE AND ALTERNATIVE SOURCES has been established to promote the development of technologies using biofuels and support the introduction of new technologies. It is a voluntary, non-political, professional association of individuals and legal entities engaged in promoting technologies using biofuels, and supporingt the introduction of new technologies for their industrial use in practice

Main goals of the association

  • Promote the use of biofuels and alternative energy sources
  • Promote projects aimed at the application of knowledge in the area of biofuels and alternative evergy to industrial practice
  • Cooperate with state and local governments, individuals and legal entities at home and abroad in the field of information and research.
  • Supervise the level of use of biofuels and alternative energy sources and their economic returns.

Slovak republic,
10th March 2005

Long-term goals of the ASSOCIATION FOR THE USE OF RENEWABLE AND ALTERNATIVE SOURCES by the year 2020-2030 are as follows

    • Legislative anchoring and practical implementation of environmental taxes and establishing a transparent tax policy on the use of biofuels, bioenergy, and trading with greenhouse gas emissions in the economy of the Slovak Republic and in the European Economic Area
    • Creating concepts for sustainable development and growth on the economical axis of Prague-Bratislava-Budapest-Bucharest – Sofia-Chisinau-Kiev-Moscow axis and economic Oslo-Stockholm-Helsinki-Copenhagen-Berlin-Vienna-Bratislava-Geneva-Paris-Madrid-Lisbon-London
    • Creating a knowledge-innovative network of communities in climate protection on the basis of subsidiarity implementing the Air Protection Directive, the Waste Directive and the Directive on Energy Efficiency.
    • Creating a network of research and developmnet cooperation and innovation critical mass collaboration: INNOVATIVE BRIDGE OF COOPERATION BETWEEN SCANDINAVIA AND CENTRAL EUROPE
    • Support initiatives of the European Institute of Technology
    • Creating a conception of CLEAN GREEN ECONOMY economic policy
    • Actively enter into development aid policy of the European Communities and the United Nations

From the history …. activities….

The Association for the use of renewable and alternative energy sources was established in 2005 and is a civic association of legal and physical entities. It has developed a concept of a sustainable development called ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY BALANCE – complex solutions of energy, food, water demographic security in forms of creating strategies and policies of green economy development by the means of bottom-up clusterring in practice. Since 2007 it has been a professional member of SUTN, Technical Committee TK 50 (Petroleum, gas and liquid fuels, other petroluem products and renewable fuels).

The Association of a negotiated legislation:

1) Inter-departmental comment procedure to a draft law amending the Act No. 98/2004 Coll. – the law on excise tax on mineral oils as amended and Act No. 309/2009 Coll., on the promotion of renewable energy sources and highly efficient combined production. (2010)

2) The legislative process of the Slovak Republic: the 2nd reading of a draft law Act No. 289/2012 Coll. on trading of emissions allowances.Committee on Agriculture and the Environment National Council (2012)

3) The legislative process of the Slovak Republic: the 2nd reading of a draft law amending and supplementing Act No. 309/2009 Coll., on the promotion of renewable energy sources and highly efficient combined production. Committee on Economic affairs of the (2013)

The association is a member of

Slovak Standards Institute: Technical Committee TK 50 Petroleum, gas and liquid fuels, other petroluem products and renewable fuels.

Slovak Innovation Forum: an open platform, bringing together innovation experts from all over Slovakia.

Global Waste Cleaning Network.
GWCN is aorganization focused on Environment Protection & Green Energy; subjects which are of serious importance to the habitants on planet Earth. We are at the forefront of growing a solid platform and thriving network of environment and energy companies, NGOs, and institutions, both private and public; which are actively involved in environmental issues, advocating carbon reduction and waste management of all kinds; i.e. solid, liquid and gaseous waste, which adversely impact lives, flora and fauna and ecosystems. GWCN also incorporates a Research Center served by PhDs and researchers from around the world writing articles on about 20 environmental and energy areas of specialization, global and/or with focus on specific geographical regions and countries. The research center is in partnership with the eminent School of Water, Energy and Environment of Cranfield University in the UK,